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Olive tree (Olea Europea) is a durable tree, able to continue sprouting for thousands of years despite its heavy 
and laborious growth. Its mythological name is “ the Immortal Tree”. The symbols it upholds —holiness, 
abundance, justice, health, peace, purification and rebirth— will now nourish your skin through the miraculous 
components naturally occurring in the tree. 
In addition to the use of olives as food in ancient times, we also know that they were used for cosmetic and 
health purposes. For example, after removing the dirt from the body, passengers who were about to embark on 
long journeys apply olive oil so that their feet are not injured. Or like Goddess Hera dousing herself with olive 
oil to seduce God Zeus. In ancient Greece, rich men and women would apply olive oil after baths to keep their 
bodies soft. 
Today it is still used in folk medicine to treat the skin, wounds and burns. Within the cosmetic industries, the 
phenolic components of olive oil and the olive leaf are used as an ingredient in anti aging creams and various 
beauty products.
Social responsibility projects and R&D activities are the basis of our company structure.
Starting from olive cultivation to olive oil production and even from olive oil to the production of high value-added products. We are carrying out R&D activities at this stage. Many national and international Projects on innovative product development are carried out with the university. This Innovative cosmetic whose R&D work was completed, the first concrete example of which we developed are products. These products are whose patenting process continues and which are commercialized. 
 We develop innovative facefood products / phytocomplex by using manyskin-protecting, cell-renewing, moisturizing and restorative future of  olive leaves and olive oil phenolic components, antioxidants, omega 3 . 
The important issue is that the residues from olive oil production are given to the environment is harm. All residues after olive oil production emerges as innovative products with very high value. Especially Carbon-based materials produced from pomace are delivered to our country at very high imported. Zero Waste within 2 years regarding the subject whose R & D studies have been completed Olive Oil Production Technology investment is planned.
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